Whilst my mind was showing me images of my life to that point (approx eight years old) I was viewing them as though I was an observer, as in a cinema room. even though my eyes were open, I saw nothing but these flashes of my life and no noise.
It felt as though time ceased to exist, there was just that moment in time, no past no future. What I do recall was each image made me feel either good, bad or nothing. If the feelings were bad, it was as though I was feeling what the other person would have felt and as a result of that I felt that i was being judged for all my deeds but also being enlightened to how my actions affected other people.
There was no hiding from the the truth of any of the actions, you knew at that level it was wrong and so did those who were observing your judgment. No words were spoken, they did not judge you as such, you did that yourself. They just listened to your thoughts and said nothing.Testimony # 2:
I am a retired Naval Aircrewman, with 6,000 hours flying in various US Navy aircraft. I am a university graduate, and also hold a post-graduate degree. In 1981, my aircraft was involved in a near mid-air collision with a small private aircraft. My pilot took evasive action.
Our plane port-side stalled toward the San Francisco Bay, and several huge power lines. I remember the ground rushing towards us. With all kinds of chatter on my headphones, everything fell silent, and my entire life (22 years old at the time) flashed before me.
My parents, grandparents, cousins, etc. were all as they were every time I had seen them. I remembered every last detail, colors, faces everything for my entire life.
Most importantly, I saw some really rotten things that I had done in my life. I have never forgotten how terrible I felt about some of the things I had done that hurt others' feelings, and I'm talking about some things from when I was a child. This experience drastically altered my behavior for the rest of my life.
When our plane finally pulled out of its stall, the sound came back on, but it seemed like an eternity before anyone said anything. The crew member sitting adjacent to me looked in my direction and our eyes locked, and I can see this guy's face right this minute, indelibly burned into my memory.
Testimony #3:I was riding a motorcycle east on Frank Phillips Blvd. A car darted across between the traffic.
I was seconds away from impact. I looked and there was no avoiding it. I laid the bike down and slid across the pavement. I saw the left front tire coming right for my head. I covered my head and suddenly it was complete silence and my entire life flashed across my brain. It was beautiful.
Then I was back and I heard the skidding tires and the car stopped inches away from my head. When I looked up I saw the underside of the front bumper and the tire was stopped about six inches from my head.
Testimony #4:
This happened to me when I was seven. I fell from an apple tree at a height of maybe 10 feet, but I thought I was going to die. In a second or two, I had hundreds of images and short "clips" flash before me.
Just to be clear, the images were in my head, and not my actual eyes. They came in no particular order, and it was mostly smiling friends and family who were saying my name or telling me they love me.
I couldn't believe how many of these images were things I had already forgotten. While I thought I was going to die, it was still a feeling of love and joy. It was the most amazing experience of my life. If I had to think of what heaven was like, that would have been it.
Answer to the Mystery above:
(Malachi 3:16, 17; 1 Corinthians 3:13.) Angels Marking Deeds of Men.—All heaven is interested in our salvation. The angels of God are walking up and down the streets of these cities, and marking the deeds of men. They record in the books of God’s remembrance the words of faith, the acts of love, the humility of spirit; and in that day when every man’s work shall be tried of what sort it is, the work of the humble follower of Christ will stand the test, and will receive the commendation of Heaven (The Review and Herald, September 6, 1890
So it was the guardian angel that record one's whole life, and when one's life is about to end, he flashes one's entire life in 1 second, and simultaneously safe that person, to give that person a chance to seek Jesus Christ, his atoning blood to wash away all sins upon repentance, and to walk in "New Life" as the "New Creature" as son of God.
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