Monday, May 3, 2010

An Invisible Watcher

[In this dream] the Herald says, “Come, there is still more to show you.” We go to an area like a farmers’ market except it is a place to show and teach people the correct way of living. I see many tents and tables selling books and pamphlets. Many are teaching how to eat correctly. I am taken to a blue [signifies obedient to 10 Commandments] and white [signifies the Righteousness of Christ] tent ... (I know this scene to be symbolic of our ministry and how we share with others.) Above the tent is a huge banner that reads, “Attention Seventh-day Adventists.” We are telling people that time is short and that NOW is the time to REPENT and turn from our sinful ways. The Herald shows me a table with stacks of Bibles [Authorized KJV] and the Creeping Compromise books. The Great Controversy books are also provided. The Herald states, “Now is the time that every Seventh-day Adventist should read and re-read that book. If you want to be a part of the elect [chosen to be among the 144,000], you should begin studying it now. This is a book that you should know and understand. You should also understand that Satan hates this book.”...I now notice a window behind us that resembles a large magnifying glass. It is showing a Bible and a book called Spirit of Prophecy. (I know that the book represents ALL the writings of Ellen G. White.)

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